Welcome to the 2018/19 school year at Eagle View Elementary!

 Please note that our school year opens on Tuesday, September 4 with an 8:30 start and a 11:00 dismissal; this is a shortened day.  On this first day of school, children will be returning to their 2017/18 classes so please remind your child to line up at his/her “old” spot!  If your child is new to Eagle View, please check in with the office; we will assign a temporary class.  As with other years, we hope to move into permanent classes as soon as possible!  The regular time schedule starts Wednesday, Sept. 5 with an 8:30 start and 2:38 dismissal.  If you have a child who is new to Kindergarten this year, please refer to the letter and interview time specific to your child.  With many families dropping children off close to the bell, we encourage you to walk, ride a bike or car pool to avoid traffic congestion. 

 We look forward to seeing all those smiling faces on Tuesday!