Although we focus on being kind all year round, February is our month to celebrate kindness. Pink, Red & White Day is on February 13th where students will have the opportunity for some fun with our Valentine stations. On February 26th we will wear our pink shirts in recognition of Pink Shirt Day an anti-bullying initiative in Canada and other parts of the world. We will also have our Kindness Assembly on February 26th. Students in Divisions 5 – 13 will be performing.
“When you are kind to others, it not only changes you, it changes the world” – Harold Kushner
“A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees” – Amelia Earhart
“No act of kindness is too small. The gift of kindness may start as a small ripple that over time can turn into a tidal wave affecting the lives of many.” – Kevin Heath
“Be the change you want to see in the world” – Mahatma Ghandi
“The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the greatest intention” – Kahlil Gibran