Administrator’s Message
Welcome October!
October has arrived! Everyone seems more settled each day and the lingering summer sunshine has been a pleasant surprise. The changing leaves and cooler mornings remind us that Fall is upon us. We hope that everyone found time to reflect and learn on Truth and Reconciliation day. Last Thursday, we hosted our first whole school assembly which included a story read by Eagle View staff and teachings of local Indigenous greetings and an Indigenous counting game. We look forward to continuing our learning and growth at Eagle View and in our school community.
We are pleased to welcome: Mrs. Chelsea Young and Ms. Cynthia Dong who will be teaching grade 3/4; Ms. Emma Johnston who is teaching grade 2/3; and Ms. Sarah Palliser and Ms. Maryam Zadehgholam our two new EA’s who have settled into our Eagle View family well.
There are changes coming to your child’s report cards this year. You can find an introduction to the changes later in the newsletter.
Student leadership has started and there are many opportunities for our grade 5’s to help and become involved in our school community. We have a very eager team and thank Mrs. Wiersma and Mrs. Restell for sponsoring this team. Mrs. Castellanos and Mrs. Jardim will be leading cross-country running at recess on Tuesday and Thursday for grades 3-5. They will have two races coming up towards the end of October and early November.
Just a couple of reminders:
- Þ Please be mindful of the parking lot and do not double park or park along the yellow curbs. We have a couple of buses that need to come and go without being blocked in.
- Please send your child to school with their own, labelled water bottles every day along with a change of clothes and indoor shoes that can remain at school. With the rainy season around the corner, rain jackets and rubber boots are highly recommended for our muddy forest and outdoor play and learning areas.
We are so grateful for everyone who took the time to connect with their child’s teacher(s) at parent teacher interviews this week. If you were unable to attend we look forward to meeting with you at a later date. It has been wonderful to have families back inside the school and to feel the greater school community build back up again. A big thank you to all the teachers for their time and energies toward these meaningful conversations. It takes a team to lead your child(ren) through their educational journeys and we are thankful to be a part of an amazing community of dedicated professionals and families.
Wishing everyone a weekend filled with grateful thoughts and new family memories.
Mrs. Relf, Principal & Mrs. Beattie, Vice Principal