Administrator’s Message
Dear Eagle View Families,
This week we had our Essential Service Worker children along with a few others that needed some additional supports with remote learning in our building. They have managed the routines and protocols of the new health and safety standards required in a school setting well. We continue to plan and prepare our school for the next phase of face to face learning in all our classrooms. To help everyone understand what it looks like and feels like at Eagle View in June, Ms. Ottenbreit and her team are working on a social story. Stay tuned for the final cut in next weeks update.
This week we also sent out a survey to help determine which students will be returning to us for face to face instruction. If you have not had a chance to fill out the survey, please use this link . The survey will close on Sunday, May 24 at 9:00 pm.
Next week we look forward to welcoming our new kindergarten students. On Friday afternoon, we will be hosting a drive by Welcome to Kindergarten event where the parents and their child will pick up their goodie bag and receive smiles and waves from staff. Thank you to these families for taking the time to come and help launch their child’s educational journey in the best way we can for the time we find ourselves in.
Have a great weekend.
Mr. Galhon and Mrs. Relf