Administrator’s Message
Dear Eagle View Families,
Wow, here we are in March already. How the time flies! Our Pink Shirt Day Assembly was filled with encouragement, joy and kindness. It was wonderful to see our primary students share their knowledge in words, songs and actions! They did a magnificent job! Our leadership students presented some kindness to our bus drivers and crossing guards giving them postcards written by many students along with a hot drink container and coffee card. A thank you to all the students and staff for making this a memorable moment and to our parents who came to support the event. Mrs. Pryd’s and Division 5 had a successful bake sale during the assembly. They were able to donate $173 to ’Our Place’ and $173 to the ’Alliance to End Homelessness in the Capital Region’ from the proceeds.
We are grateful to our PAC for financially supporting another ArtStarts Performance “Frog Belly Rat Bone” written by Timothy Basil Ering and performed by the Axis Theatre Company out of Vancouver. This physical theatre company aims to engage young students with an interactive experience that educates, inspires and entertains. This will be a great fit for us at Eagle View as we continue to work on our goals in literacy where the meaning of the written word becomes clearly alive.
The most recent Learning Update will be hot off the press in two weeks. Students are currently reviewing the goals they set last term and reflecting on how it went and deciding where to go next in their learning journey. Please let us know if you are unable to access Parent Connect (where the Learning Updates can be downloaded) by calling the office. The children are encouraged to have a conversation at home about their strengths and stretches. Thank you for reading the Learning Updates and for the support and encouragement you provide at home for their learning.
As the nicer weather approaches, we are hoping to have some new activities for outdoor playtime such as mini skipping, hacky ball and cats cradle. If you have any other ideas to add, please send them to the Eagle View email.
We want to wish you and your family a safe, FUN and Happy Spring Break as you enjoy time together with family and friends!
Mrs. Relf and Mrs. Dann
Principal and Vice Principal