Administrator’s Message
Dear Eagle View Families,
It is so hard to believe June has arrived and we are looking towards wrapping up another school year. As we reflect back, there are many things to be grateful for, especially our health, and the many memories to cherish! Although learning has evolved into various forms this spring, our students have shown a resiliency to the changes. They have adjusted and adapted to the COVID–19 protocols with ease. A big thank you everyone who helped prepare them for a safe return to school.
In the remaining few weeks, we will continue to be diligent to follow the directions as set out from the Ministry of Health. Parents and caregivers must assess their child daily for symptoms of common cold, influenza, or COVID-19, or other infectious respiratory disease before sending them to school. If you are unsure your child should attend you may contact 8-1-1 or the local public health unit to seek further input.
At this time of year, we must say farewell not only to our leaving grade 5 students but also several staff members. Mrs. Coleman will be taking a leave to welcome a new bundle of joy that will be arriving towards the end of August. Starting this month, Ms. Ottenbreit, Mrs. Lamond and Mrs. Macatee will be considering the many positions posted throughout our school district. We thank them for their caring touch and the inspiration they provided for their students this year. As well as teachers, we have had several Educational Assistants who have joined our community for both short and longer periods of time this year. Quite frankly, we couldn’t operate without them; Educational Assistants provide personalized support for many children through their guidance in both academic and self regulation areas.
A big thank you to all of our staff for their continued commitment and dedication to our Eagle View School culture. Together, they continue to uphold our school beliefs: Excellence, Academics & Arts, Global Awareness, Learning styles, Enthusiasm and Safety, which guides our students to be EAGLES (Life-long learners) for generations to come.
We would be remiss to not thank our wonderful Eagle View parents. Thank you for sending us your amazing children. They have soared like an eagle through this year, navigating the unexpected and sometimes uncomfortable learning journey that the uniqueness of 2020 has brought upon all of us. They make us all proud!
As we step into summer mode soon, please accept our very best wishes for an adventurous July and August. Stay safe!
Sanjiv Galhon and Jana Relf
Vice Principal and Principal