Administrator’s Message
Welcome 2025!!
It is great to see everyone back and refreshed from the break. We hope you all had time to relax with family and friends.
As always, the new year gives us time to pause and reflect and set goals for the future. Students have settled back into routine and continue to strive to do their best as they continue to focus on the learning for term two. If you have not done so already, please review your child’s Learning Update that was released on December 13th. We have noticed that 46% of parents have not accessed their child’s Learning Update. We know our teachers value your partnership in the educational journey of your child as together we celebrate their strengths and support them in their stretches. If you are having trouble using the Parent Connect porthole, please call the office for assistance. We can help you on a computer at school and walk you step by step through the process. Parent Connect is the same place you go to give your child permission to access programs at school, use technology, etc.
House games will be starting this month for Grade 4 & 5 students. Thank you to Mr. Rutherford and Mr. Nast for organizing this lunch time event.
Mrs. Haymes is organizing Basketball for our grade 4 and 5 students at lunch recess on Tuesdays and Thursday. The hope is to participate in a Basketball Jamboree in late February. These students are encouraged to bring their sportsmanship and skills out to practice. A notice will follow with more details.
We would like to welcome back Mrs. Chelsea Young from her parental leave. Mrs. Young will be here on Mondays working with some of our ELL learners. We also look forward to having two student teachers in Ms. Smith’s and Mrs. Adam’s classes closer to the end of this month. We wish them all the best in their final practicum.
Just a reminder that on Friday, January 24th school is not in session for students. We hope the day can be spent with family and suggest making reading a part of your day as we approach Family Literacy Day in the following week! I know Mrs. Restell our librarian has planned a special event to keep us focused on our goals around reading while having fun all at the same time!
On behalf of the entire staff at Eagle View, we wish for you a healthy, joyous and adventure filled 2025!!
Jana and Kathy