Administrator’s Message
It is hard to believe February is here and we have already been back for a month. February is kindness month and we will have our “Kindness” assembly on the afternoon of Wednesday, February 26 to coincide with Pink Shirt Day. Divisions 5 – 13 will each be doing a performance of some kind at the assembly. Parents are most welcome to attend. Although we focus on kindness this month, we strive to practice kindness all year long in everything we do.
Students are continuing to work on their goal of becoming proficient readers and writers. With the help of one of our District Literacy teachers, many of our classrooms have been introduced to using our Loose Parts carts. The bins contain bits and pieces that students arrange into a setting. Students tell what is happening in their 3D representation to a partner, eventually turning it into a written account. This engaging approach is cultivating deep learning in students which occurs through this meaningful, relevant and fun time of play. Parents can support at home by having daily conversations about adventures outside of school, helping them to build pictures in their minds and giving them fuel to recreate ideas through play back at school. And as always, reading with your child promotes new vocabulary, background knowledge and builds connections between texts. Thank you for all you do for your children.
Kindergarten registration concluded last week. We look forward to meeting them in May at Welcome to Kindergarten and are excited to have them join our Eagle View community in September. If you know of any new families in your neighborhood with school age children, please advise them to register as soon as possible.
Lastly, we remind families that students will enjoy a four day weekend as the teachers engage in professional development on the 14th and Family Day on the 17th of this month.
Mrs. Relf and Mrs. Dann
Principal and Vice Principal