Welcome Back everyone! I hope you had wonderful spring break. The extra hours of daylight is most welcome.
Thank you to all the students, parents and staff for the tremendous donation of socks to support Choices. As a team we collected 828 pairs of socks!! That is an amazing total and thank you for supporting the people at Choices. My understanding is Choices gives out 100 pairs of socks per day so we have collected just over eight days worth.
We look forward to some sunshine and warmer temperatures for our school field to dry up so we can take advantage of that wonderful green field.
Mrs. MacDonald & Ms. Houldsworth have our Spring Cross Country Team up and running. We had our first practice on Wednesday, April 5. Please watch for a newsletter to come home with students who are interested in participating. Practices are twice a week at lunch. Cross Country Races are scheduled on the following days and start at 3:45 p.m.
Monday, April 10 at Clover Point
Tuesday, April 18 at Lambrick Park
Monday, April 24 at Clover Point
Following cross country, track will be offered to our Grade 3, 4 and 5 students. Practices will begin in late April culminating with our Zone Meet at UVIC’s Centennial Stadium on Monday, May 29. The events include 100 m, 4×100 m and 800 m. Ms. Houldsworth will be coaching the team this year and will have a supporting cast of staff helping as well.
House Games have wrapped up for another year. Thank you to all the students who participated throughout the year. It was another fun season.
Mr. de Nat