Administrator’s Message
We hope you had a terrific Spring Break even if it was different than anticipated. It has been over a year now that we have found ourselves in these unusual times and we continue to hang on to the hope of the day when we will be on the other side of mask wearing and hanging out with just our immediate households. It has been an interesting time and we have all learned a great deal as we take the time to reflect more on the journey. The students have been focused on their learning, engaged in more outdoor activities than ever and continue to strengthen their resiliency in diverse learning environments.
Our students have done an amazing job with demonstrating their flexibility with all the changes that have been happening with safety guidelines from the BCCDC. We are proud of their resilience and the ability to still have fun while at school. As you know the district has sent an updated letter with the new guidelines and expectations around safety. We encourage all families to not gather before and after school to minimize crowding, and to remember to socially distance when possible. Thank you for being wonderful role models for our children.
After Spring Break, we reconfigured our cohorts due to increased enrollment, an increase of adults in the building as well as providing opportunities for students to meet new friends during play time. We were fortunate to have Spring Break to allow this change to happen without compromising the safety of all in our school community. Again, the children were flexible and adapted easily to their new cohorts. Thank you to all of you for your continual support and patience through this challenging time that we are all facing during this pandemic.
As term two concluded and we read through report cards, it was noticeable that Eagle View has amazing mathematicians. If you have any questions, please reach out to your child’s teacher. Student Led conferences are on the horizon and this will provide evidence of student learning. Teachers are in the process of planning so stay tuned for the details as they unfold.
Today all the students had an Easter egg hunt courtesy of our fantastic PAC. On behalf of all our students we want to thank our hardworking PAC who thoughtfully prepared and executed this fun activity. This will provide some interesting dinner conversations for sure. And lastly, we want to wish you a wonderful four day weekend and look forward to having your children back on Tuesday!
Mr. Galhon and Mrs. Relf
Vice Principal and Principal