Administrator’s Message
To our wonderful families,
We have arrived at Friday again, just in case you didn’t notice, and I hope you are all looking forward to a weekend. Thank you for your patience as we move through this interesting time together. A highlight of our week was seeing some students and their families come through our temporary ‘Eagle View Drive Thru’, to grab some learning packages or shoes. Every smile was so appreciated.
Things are moving along. Some of our teachers have requested to use video conferencing as a means to connect with their students and we are happy to announce that the Ministry of Education has now granted permission for BC schools to use this platform. Hopefully this will be up and running next week in a few classrooms. Some teachers will be sending out an email regarding some guidelines and ways to set up these video conferences so check that in-box!
Our tip for the week is to not underestimate the power of reading aloud to your child. The benefits of reading aloud outweigh the cost, which would be time, which we seem to have a lot of lately. A famous children’s author states;
And here is the challenge for the week – how many places can you find to read aloud? How original are those places? Which place is your favourite?
Best wishes to you all, stay safe and bee healthy.
Mrs. Relf and Mr. Galhon